Plant Tissue
Plant Molecular
Seed Maintenance and storage
DNA extraction, using a protocol
modified from Doyle et al ; 1991
Restriction endonuclease digestion
of the DNA and ligation of adapters
Amplification of the restriction
Gel analysis of the amplified
fragment, using a polyacrylamide gel. Typically, 50 to 100 restriction
fragments are complified in each AFLP reaction.
Plant material (leaves) |
Grind the plant material in a mortar |
Transfer the ground tissue to eppendorf tube, add 1
ml. extraction buffer and precipitate DNA |
Visualise the DNA on the gel |
Check DNA concentration on an agarose gel by
electrophoresis; |
Plant Genetic Conservation Project Office
Royal Chitralada Palace, Dusit , Bangkok 10303 ,Thailand
Tel /Fax : 02-2821850, 02-2820665
E-mail :
admin@plantgenetics-rspg.org |
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