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          For Thai people rice has always been our livelihood, and in more ways than is commonly appreciated. Few people in this generation, for example, knew that rice constituted a major war reparation exacted from Thailand by Allied in 1945. In normal times the majority of Thai people are engaged in rice cultivation. Fruits of their labour feed the rest of the population, and as I have just said, the surplus feeds parts of the world's population. Rice earns for Thailand export income of approximately 36,000 million bahts or 1,500 million U.S. Dollars annually. Thai Ranks first among leading rice exporting countries. Export during 1990-1994 average above 4.4 million tons of milled rice per year, enough to feed 30 million people outside Thailand.  Several times of world serious rice shortage, Thailand has served as an emergency source of supply for needed countries.
          In Thailand, as in other major rice producing countries, the rice situation has direct effect on other related businesses. Local trade activities, rice mills, rice exports, storage and transport services, are businesses that benefit significantly from rice farming activities. When rice price is high, farmers enjoy better buying power. They can afford to buy such extras as radio, T.V., electric rice cooker and more clothing etc. The demands of these goods, in turn, generate further economic expansion in other sectors. And vice versa low prices forbade recession in all sectors of the national economy.
         In our tradition, welfare of the subjects is the chief duty of the monarch. In an agricultural society, to reassure people of good crops, kings of the the old days resorted to prays and rituals. They also assisted farmers by granting them and distributed seeds and cattle to promote agricultural activities in their realm. With modern days technologies, the monarch can extend his benevolent capacity.
          His Majesty the King carries on the royal tradition of taking personal interest in rice farming. He makes extensive tours around the country in order to get first hand informations. H.M. the King listens and pays close attention to problems and wishes of farmers. He implements and adapts current technologies such as developing water resources, applying cloud seeding technology to induce rain and encouraging researches on agriculture. Rice research and experiment farms have been set up inside the compound of Chitralada Palace, the royal residence, and they are regularly visited by farmers, students and other interested persons. Realizing that the plight of rice farmers is due to unsatisfactory marketing system as well as old fashioned farming methods, His Majesty has promoted the setting up of rice banks all over the country as a communal institution with the objectives of storing rice for household consumption in times of high rice prices and to withhold supply to market in early harvesting period to cushion the effect of supply over demand and thus low paddy prices. Rice bank acts also as the storage of rice strains for the next planting season, and last but not least, it helps keeping up the communal spirit of mutual assistance traditional among Thai farmers which is about to disappear under the present ways of life. 


       ศึกษาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมจากเวบไซต์ของ  มูลนิธิข้าวไทยในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์